Forecast for the Uintas Area Mountains

Issued by Craig Gordon on
Wednesday morning, December 22, 2021
Wednesday morning, December 22, 2021
Strong winds and dense heavy snow slam into the range late Thursday and we can expect increasing avalanche danger as the storm evolves.
For today, a CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists on steep, wind drifted, upper elevation slopes, particularly those facing the north half of the compass and human triggered avalanches are LIKELY. Once initiated, even a small slide will quickly get out of hand, especially if it breaks to old, October snow. It'll be packing a punch and it's gonna boss you around.
You'll find MODERATE avalanche danger at mid elevations. While slightly more manageable, steep, shady terrain remains suspect and human triggered avalanches are POSSIBLE.
I know you're looking to avoid the avalanche dragon today, so the ticket is to simply switch aspect or lose elevation and set your sights on terrain that was bare prior to last weeks big storm. You'll find generally LOW avalanche danger on slopes with these characteristics.

Learn how to read the forecast here