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Forecast for the Uintas Area Mountains

Trent Meisenheimer
Issued by Trent Meisenheimer on
Saturday morning, November 25, 2023
Update for Saturday, November 25 at 7:10 AM
Normal Caution: This is not a specific avalanche problem. It is used by UAC forecasters most often when avalanche conditions are generally safe and there is no predominant avalanche problem. Any avalanche type is possible, but the most common would be wind slab, loose wet, and loose dry avalanches, which would be expected to be small.
Do not approach a Normal Caution avalanche problem as an “anything goes” situation. Keep your guard up and look for any signs of snow instability. Evaluate snow and weather conditions as you travel.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Weather and Snow
Under partly cloudy skies, the last few snowflakes are being squeezed from the atmosphere. Mountain temperatures are cold and range from 5-15 °F. Winds have calmed down since yesterday but are still blowing from the north at 15-25 mph gusting into the 40s across the upper elevation peaks.
As the storm exits the stadium, high pressure will build into the area until mid-week. Snow totals are in:
  • Upper Little Cottonwood: 8-11” (0.51-0.71 water)
  • Big Cottonwood: 4-11” (0.48-0.71 water)
  • Park City Ridgeline 5-8” (0.40-0.46 water)
  • Provo Canyon 9” (0.73 water)
  • Logan Mountains 2-14.5" (0.30-1.0" water)
  • Ogden Mountains 2-6" (0.09-0.30" water)
  • Uinta Mountains 2-6" (0.09-0.40" water)
Recent Avalanches
No recent avalanche activity was reported.
Avalanche Problem #1
Normal Caution
Mark Staples was traveling in the Wolf Creek Pass area on Tuesday and found less than a foot of snow in the upper elevations.
Ted Scroggin was traveling around Murdock Bowl on Tuesday and also found a thin and weak snowpack.
Travel is challenging with such thin conditions, but the thin and weak snow that currently exists may become an issue with future snowfall or any wind-loading.