Are you snowpack curious... wondering how the Persistent Weak Layer went from Zero to Hero? Well then, you came to the right place! Please join me 6:00 Monday, January 23rd in Park City at the Kimball Junction Library for a State of the Snowpack prezo. It's gonna be informative, educational, and quite possibly entertaining :)
Nowcast- A storm is headed our way, but it's still churning along and currently visiting Northern Nevada. While we wait... skies are clear and temperatures start off the work day hovering right around zero. Westerly winds blow in the 20's near the high peaks and are a cold, waste of weather, kinda nuisance. In fact, recent winds worked our big, open alpine terrain, but lose some elevation, seek out wind sheltered terrain, and you'll be rewarded with soft, creamy snow.
Forecast- Good news for all the wind lovers in the room... there's more wind on the way! Strong northwest winds gusting into the 40's usher in our next shot of snow which arrives around 08:00 and delivers 2"-4" of snow. High temperatures barely crawl out of the deep freeze and overnight lows dip into negative territory.
Futurecast- Clear and cold for Monday.
Not exactly Mavericks, but that's ok.. I found some legit tube time yesterday none-the-less.
Ted was near Whiskey Creek yesterday taking advantage of outstanding riding conditions. His take on things found
Also, I'm super stoked to see Trevor Katz great ob and insight from the south half of the range near
Tut Creek. Nice work man... thanks for the beta!
Huge thanks for all the great obs streaming in from the eastern front. Detailed trip reports and recent obs are found
Yesterday, I found a shallow wind drift or two in the
north half of the range, while John Climaco found similar wind loading patterns on the south half of the range near
Currant Creek. No other significant avy activity to report. But a slew of Uinta avy obs are found
Snow-Pro, mentor to countless avalanche professionals, all around amazing person, and always keen to rally... Bill Nalli, has a keen eye for all things avalanche and spotted a rather significant, week old slide in Upper Moffit Basin. Deets are found