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Forecast for the Skyline Area Mountains

Brett Kobernik
Issued by Brett Kobernik on
Wednesday morning, March 19, 2025
The overall danger rating on the Skyline is at the upper end of CONSIDERABLE today.
Human triggered avalanches are likely both within the new snow and possibly breaking deeper into weak sugary layers.
Signs of avalanche danger may not be obvious out there today. The fresh powder and sun is going to make things seem not all that dangerous. It's a typical day for an accident.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements
ATTENTION EPHRAIM CANYON RIDERS: Take a look at this AVALANCHE REPORT HERE and read the additional comments. This slope just west of Scotty's worries me.
Weather and Snow
Current Conditions: This storm, once again, exceeded my expectations. We have a foot to a foot and a half of new snow. The Fariview Lakes/Electric Lake zone recieved the least with 8 to 12". Looks like Ephraim Canyon did the best with 18". There was some strong wind from the northwest on Tuesday but it ended up slowing down and not getting as strong as I was anticipating. That said, there was, no doubt, snow getting transported around. Temperatures have dropped to around 10˚F. Riding conditions should be about as good as they get.
Mountain Weather: We'll see plenty of sun today with temperatures getting back up into the mid 20s. Wind from the northwest will continue to slow and will generally be light in speed. Thursday looks cloudy then we'll see another little shot of snow Friday night. That'll be the end of the March storms as high pressure moves in Sunday through the end of the month.
Recent Avalanches
I have updated all of the recent avalanche reports from the Skyline and you can find them HERE.
Be sure to check out the recent avalanche reports from Fish Lake HERE.
Avalanche Problem #1
Wind Drifted Snow
The first thing to consider today is wind drifted snow. With up to 18" of new snow and wind during the storm, there is bound to be some deep drifts and slabs that are just waiting for a trigger. Steep slopes just below ridges are where you'll find trouble ESPECIALLY ON THE MORE EAST FACING TERRAIN.
Avalanche Problem #2
Persistent Weak Layer
Older Persistent Weak Layers of sugary faceted snow still lurk deeper in the snowpack. This is, by far, the most dangerous situation today even though it is probably not the most likely type of avalanche we'll see. What makes it dangerous is that you just won't see any signs of danger, but when it breaks, it will be catastrophic. Many slopes have a stable enough snowpack and won't release. Some slopes just need a trigger like someone on skis or a sled. It is extremely difficult to determine which slopes are stable and which are not just by looking at them.
General Announcements
This forecast is from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. This forecast describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.