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Forecast for the Skyline Area Mountains

Brett Kobernik
Issued by Brett Kobernik on
Tuesday morning, March 18, 2025
The overall danger rating on the Skyline is CONSIDERABLE today.
Both new snow avalanches and persistent weak layer avalanches can be triggered today. Wind is likely going to trigger some natural avalanches.
You will want to avoid steep slopes especially in areas where the wind has formed fresh drifts and slabs of snow.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements
ATTENTION EPHRAIM CANYON RIDERS: Take a look at this AVALANCHE REPORT HERE and read the additional comments. This slope just west of Scotty's worries me.
Weather and Snow
Current Conditions: Riding conditions remained good on Monday but the warm weather was definitely taking a toll. Things will be different today as cold air and snow moved in. We've picked up 4 to 7 inches of snow overnight. Wind from the southwest got really strong and has now slowed down. Temperatures are around 20˚F or a bit colder.
Mountain Weather: We'll see continued snowfall through the day with another 3 to 5 inches possible. Temperatures will stay in the teens to around 20˚F. The thing that catches my eye is potentially very strong wind from the northwest starting mid day and lasting into tonight. The storm moves out tonight and we'll see clearing on Wednesday.
Recent Avalanches
I caught wind of a couple of close calls in the Gooseberry area of Fish Lake that happened this weekend. These were deep and dangerous slides. They were the real deal.
The scariest was a snowmobile triggered slide on Scout Cabin Hill where a rider triggered an avalanche while on the hill and was caught, carried and fully buried with only a few fingers sticking out. His partners were able to dig him out just in time. His face was blue indicating he only had moments more to live under the snow.
PHOTO: Charlie Ogden
The second slide was over at Suds in the Lost Creek area where a rider was on a slope and triggered a slide. The debris came down and pushed him off to the side knocking him over. Luckily he was off to the side and watched the rest of the debris flow past him down into a gullied terrain trap.
PHOTO: Charlie Ogden
Avalanche Problem #1
Wind Drifted Snow
Fresh wind drifted snow avalanches are the most likely thing we'll encounter today. It's likely that some broke loose overnight. With strong wind in the forecast for this afternoon, more are likely.
Avoiding this problem is simple: Don't get onto steep slopes where the wind has been forming fresh drifts and slabs of new snow.
The most dangerous places will be on more east facing slopes but you'll want to avoid fresh drifts on all aspects in the mid and upper elevations.
Avalanche Problem #2
Persistent Weak Layer
Below is an excerpt from Sunday's forecast which describes where we are with the older buried faceted Persistent Weak Layers. This continues to be a serious concern.
OK, things are slowly changing with the old Persistent Weak Layers. I am finding that they are slowly gaining strength in many areas where the snowpack is becoming deeper. All these storms we've been having are helping to squash and force those old facets to bond and sinter forming stronger layers.
Now, this is not the case in all areas. You will no doubt still find shallow spots where the snow is hollow, sugary and weak. If you trench your sled, you'll see what I mean. You'll find the sugar below.
So, things are starting to turn the corner. (this should've happened back in January!!) However, there are still enough trouble spots out there to cause concern. Here are two examples:
  1. Areas with an overall shallow snowpack. Places where the snowpack is only in the 4 to 5 foot deep range have the weakest snow. This was demonstrated last week where a snowmobiler found a pocket in a shallow snowpack zone. DETAILS HERE
  2. Slopes that have previously avalanched earlier this season. Since they avalanched and took out snow from early on, they are shallower. Shallow areas = weak areas. I believe this was the case with a snowmobile triggered avalanche on Friday. DETAILS HERE Now here's a big problem. Unless you saw that a slope avalanched earlier this season, it's almost impossible to know for sure if it did or not by looking at it now. Slopes with a deeper snowpack are becoming more stable. Slopes that already avalanched are shallower and hold weaker snow. How can you tell them apart just from looking at them? There's no good way. I continue to hold my cards tight.
ATTENTION EPHRAIM CANYON RIDERS: Take a look at this AVALANCHE REPORT HERE and read the additional comments. This slope just west of Scotty's worries me.
General Announcements
This forecast is from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. This forecast describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.