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Forecast for the Logan Area Mountains

Toby Weed
Issued by Toby Weed on
Monday morning, November 20, 2023
Thanks for checking the forecast, and stay tuned. We’ll continue to issue updates as conditions change.
About 8 inches of new snow accumulated on upper elevation slopes in the Central Bear River Range over the weekend. High-elevation shady aspects were holding some snow before the storm, and these are the places where you could run into an avalanche problem. Although generally unlikely, avalanches are possible in drifted terrain and on slopes steeper than 30 degrees with a smooth ground surface. Even a small avalanche could be a big deal if you are caught and carried into rocks, stumps, or down trees in its runout.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Weather and Snow
Several inches fell on upper-elevation slopes in the Bear River Range over the weekend, with the Tony Grove Snotel reporting 8 inches of new snow yesterday and the new Card Canyon weather station showing about 5 inches. This accumulated on shallow pre-existing snow in high north-facing terrain and on primarily bare ground elsewhere. Observers report finding up to about 2 feet of total snow on select upper-elevation slopes, with much less in other places.
Despite the lack of snow, now is a great time to practice companion rescue with your team and backcountry partners...
*** New weather station on Paris Peak
***New weather station in upper Card Canyon
Additional Information
It’s been a busy fall, and I’m happy to report that we’ve recently installed two new weather stations in the Logan Zone. They are both up and running, producing real-time data available to the public, and they will help us forecast mountain weather and local avalanche danger more accurately.
The Paris Peak Weather Station (available HERE) was installed in the northern Bear River Range near the summit of Paris Peak at around 9500 feet in elevation, northwest of Bear Lake. It measures mountain-top winds in a vast area without similar data. We installed the Card Canyon Weather Station (available HERE) near Red Pine Ridge at about 8750 feet in elevation north of Logan Peak in upper Card Canyon. In addition to other weather details, this station will measure the total snow depth and its changes throughout the winter.
It’s never too early to start thinking about avalanches. Here are a few things to consider doing:
  1. Get your avalanche rescue gear ready for winter. Put fresh batteries in your transceiver and update the firmware. Inspect your shovel and probe. Get your airbag backpack ready by possibly doing a test deployment and updating the firmware if it is an electric version.
  2. Sign up for an avalanche class. Learn more about avalanches and decision-making.
  3. Take a free online avalanche course the UAC built for Know Before You Go or other courses listed on the KBYG website (Develop skills -> Online Learning).
General Announcements
The Tony Grove Road is not maintained for winter driving, and you will likely encounter very snowy and slick icy conditions if you venture up there.