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Observation: Days Draw

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Salt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Days Fork » Days Draw
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Days Draw
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Recent Avalanches
Poor Snowpack Structure
Ascending a poorly placed skinner on CSR, I was dismayed to see how many tracks there were in CSR/Crystal Palace. It was a war zone. However, it was far better than the absolute carnage of Days Draw and Peggy's, which were a faceted mess of rocks. This wasn't overly surprising: the wall-to-wall collapse of the Draw was reported on January 5. What was surprising were the number of consecutive crowns at various elevations until midway-ish down Peggy's. Every time you thought, "Well, now it will be skiable," lo and behold! Another crown. Unfortunately, the slide(s) doesn't seem to have cleaned out the terrain: there's up to a foot of facets keeping the rocks cozy, waiting for a foot of snow (this weekend?) to obscure the shaky foundations itching for an avalanche repeat.
As Mark White observed yesterday of No Name Bowl, "These are protected polar slopes that were thin but still had facets at the base, now the thin snowpack has faceted completely to the dirt, leaving a couple plus feet of faceted snow with no cohesion." Unless something significantly changes, the Draw/Peggy's may not be (safely) skiable again this season. Even so, I hope someone will fix that abomination of a skin track up CSR/Hall of Giants. This is Utah: we believe in repentance. ;-)
I didn't take any pictures because the crowns have already been posted, and no one wants their day spoiled by looking at a sea of rocks and facets.
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