Observation: No Name Bowl

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Salt Lake » Park City Ridgeline » No Name Bowl
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No Name Bowl
Red Flags
Red Flags
Poor Snowpack Structure
Went to No Name Bowl on the PC Ridgeline today, haven't been there since December's avalanche cycle wasn't very stoked on what I saw. I've spent the whole season looking at bed surfaces of avalanches that ran on the November PWL, some slopes like the Diving Board and the Monitors seemed to have most of the weak layer cleaned out leaving a hard bed surface. On the other end of the spectrum are slopes like No Name Bowl that ran early in the cycle and left the PWL intact, then kept getting little doses of snow from the small storms we've been plagued with. So these are protected polar slopes that were thin but still had facets at the base, now the thin snowpack has faceted completely to the dirt, leaving a couple plus feet of faceted snow with no cohesion. The snowpack in this bowl is so weak it was easy to push off facetalanches , probably not a word. These sluffs would instantly gouge down to the dirt and run long distances in steeper terrain, not a big deal now but if we ever get a real storm and a slab these slopes are certain to avalanche. Not as concerned about the slopes that slid, had a hard bed surface and are more wind exposed. All the other terrain i've been in since this last little storm can be described with one of Drews favorite one liners, Lipstick on a Pig.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
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