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Observation: Mill Hollow

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Uintas » Mill Hollow
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Mill Hollow
Went looking for the Valentine's crust facet layer on E and SE facing slopes. This layer has led to a lot of slides in the Wasatch. The Uintas had the same meteorological conditions so I suspected this layer would be present as well.
The crust and the facets were likely formed by a process called radiation recrystallization. (This process explained in this video).
Sure enough this layer was easy to find on an ESE facing slope at 9700' near treeline. It produced ECTP's with scores of 3, 8, 10, & 11. Mostly just light taps from the wrist. These tests fractured on 0.5-1.0mm facets just above the crust.
It'll be tricky because due south facing slopes likely had this layer, but it took enough heat from the sun this morning to maybe heal this layer. Moving forward I expect this layer to be an issue on W, SE, and E facing slopes.
Complicating matters, on shaded north facing slopes there is a layer of buried surface hoar. I have regularly found it digging about 3 feet deep.
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