Forecast for the Uintas Area Mountains

Issued by Mark Staples on
Sunday morning, December 3, 2023
Sunday morning, December 3, 2023
The avalanche danger today above treeline is HIGH on northwest, north, and east-facing slopes where heavy snowfall and wind drifted snow have overloaded underlying layers of old, faceted snow.
Near treeline, the danger is CONSIDERABLE on west, north, and east-facing slopes which also have overloaded old snow layers.
All other slopes that were mostly bare ground prior to this weekend's storm have a MODERATE danger for soft slabs of new snow which is upside down (denser snow on top of light snow).
THE DILEMMA - Slopes with the best coverage and the most snow prior to this storm are the ones we would like to ride to avoid hitting rocks, but these slopes are the most dangerous. For now, the best solution is avoiding avalanche terrain.

Learn how to read the forecast here