Forecast for the Uintas Area Mountains
Issued by Craig Gordon on
Saturday morning, April 1, 2023
Saturday morning, April 1, 2023
Please don't let sunny skies and fresh pow lull you into a false sense of security... it's sketchy today-
In the wind zone, above treeline, you'll find HIGH avalanche danger. On steep, rocky, upper elevation slopes, human triggered avalanches are VERY LIKELY. Terrain facing the north half of the compass, especially steep slopes with an easterly component to its aspect have the potential to produce avalanches that'll pack a punch and could easily ruin your day. CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger is found near treeline and human triggered avalanches are LIKELY on steep slopes with recent deposits of wind drifted snow. More predictable MODERATE avalanche danger is found on steep, lower elevation slopes, where storm snow reacts to our additional weight and human triggered avalanches are POSSIBLE.
Learn how to read the forecast here