Observation: Moab

Observation Date
Observer Name
Reed Kennard
Location Name or Route
Laurel Highway, The Dark Side, The North Woods
Light Snowfall
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
It was overcast and cloudy this morning with temps above freezing at the trailhead. By 10'500 feet the temp had dipped back down below freezing. We had light to moderate snowfall durin our tour, that picked up in intensity by the time we were on our way out. By the time we were headed out the cloud ceiling had dropped and the view resembled the inside of a ping pong ball. On our way down the Geyser Pass Road the snow turned to rain at about 8,300'.
Snow Characteristics
New Snow Depth
New Snow Density
Snow Surface Conditions
Wind Crust
Melt-Freeze Crust
Snow Characteristics Comments

The skiing today reminded me of the kind of skiing that is typical of a late march or early April day in the La Sals. Every thing out of the trailhead was damp or had a melt freeze crust on it from our warm weather this past week. We found the same melt freeze crust higher up the laurel highway on anything that had received sun during our recent February thaw. There was a trace to 2" of new snow on the ground at upper elevations. The snow started as small graupel and turned to flakes about an hour into the storm. We were able to find some soft creamy snow in sheltered north facing trees, however we found areas of heavy tree bombing in spots as well.

Red Flags
Red Flags
Wind Loading
Red Flags Comments
The snow was not very talkative today and the only red flag present during our tour was moderate winds combined with moderate snowfall.
Avalanche Problem #1
Wind Drifted Snow
Increasing Danger
Problem #1 Comments

If the snow and winds continue over night and we receive the 6-10" of snow possible then newly formed wind slabs will be a concern tomorrow on the lee side of ridges and terrain features.

Avalanche Problem #2
New Snow
Increasing Danger
Problem #2 Comments

Storm slabs could be a possibility tomorrow if we receive the projected snow fall amount. This snow will be falling on a thin graupel layer that fell at the beginning of the storm.

Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating