I dug on a steep north facing slope at 10K. In the area I dug, the snow was solid. My stability test net no results. I was only able to get the new snow to pull off the block with an extended column shovel sheer and even then the new soft slab fell apart. Pulling even harder resulted in the rest of the entire block falling. The depth hoar was minimal in this particular area and there was no distinct facet layer above the depth hoar. This profile is very different from others I've seen in the area. I've been seeing facets above a depth hoar layer about 30 cm thick. That's not the case here. The facets above depth hoar appear to be very spatially variant. In other words just because there is minimal depth hoar and facets in this area doesn't mean the next slope or drainage over has the same or even similar profile.
Observation Date
Observer Name
Michael Janulaitis
Uintas » Upper Weber Canyon » South Fork Weber River » Duke Ridge
Location Name or Route
Duke Ridge
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating