The northwest wind again mostly scoured and cross loaded the big road cut slide paths near the Electric Lake Dam. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if some small pockets released but they shouldn't pose much threat.
There is enough new snow and wind where I'd expect some more natural activity breaking into the weak basal facets around the Chute Camp Site area again. These might hit the river but probably won't be big enough to threaten the road.
Farther down the canyon, some of the paths just above the Forks of the Huntington most likely have enough snow now that they should be monitored from here on out. I'll be traveling to Price on Monday afternoon so I'll have a good look at these then.
Below is a picture of my machine parked on the Spring City canyon road which was packed flat by snowmobiles prior to this storm. This clearly shows how much snow we've received in the last 24 hours.
I believe that I under-forecast the avalanche danger today. Snow totals far exceeded what I expected. I'm guessing as I write this at 8pm, the avalanche danger is at it's apex. With all the unknowns in the snowpack and the possibility of a bump in wind speed into Monday, I am strongly considering issuing an AVALANCHE WARNING for Monday.