Observation Date
Observer Name
Kelly, Winter SAR
Skyline » Ephraim Canyon » Monster
Location Name or Route
Ephraim Canyon
Snow profile showed us 5' of snow with 9" of new snow and mostly faceted snow underneath the crust. The weakest layer in this location was the faceted snow just underneath the old surface crust. Snowpack temperatures show a snowpack that is starting to lose the strong temperature gradient, but crystals were still very faceted in nature. We had results with compression tests underneath the crust, but the main goal of the snowpit was to see what weak snow (facets) looked and felt like with a slab(thicker snow) over the top of them. If we see this structure on a steeper slope then we have the potential to see avalanches.
Photo of dry 3-4mm faceted snow near the ground.
Photo of dry 3-4mm faceted snow near the ground.
Thanks to Sanpete County for hosting us.
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