Observation Date
Observer Name
Meisenheimer / Champion / Kolanko.
Provo » Provo Canyon » North Fork Provo R. » Aspen Grove
Location Name or Route
Aspen Grove to North Timp to Sundance Ski Area

The dividing line is the Tibble Fork Road south. South of the road, the Provo snowpack is a joke all the way to Sundance. Here, it's 100 cm (3 feet) of faceted snow. The snowpack might be a little deeper and stronger in the upper elevations, but it's impossible to work your way up into upper-elevation bowls at the moment. This area is the weakest and shallowest snow I've seen this season. Provo is not in. We will see what happens over the next month. But we need feet and feet of snow here. The photos below are basic coverage.

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