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Observation: Ben Lomond

Observation Date
Observer Name
Derek DeBruin
Ogden » Ben Lomond
Location Name or Route
Ben Lomond
Weather Comments
Clear skies, plenty warm temps (above freezing overnight), and winds were present out of the S-SW but much lighter than than forecasted speeds for April 13 to 14.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Characteristics Comments
Weak overnight refreeze, about 3-5 inches at mid elevations. Still plenty of coverage, with continuous snow from the trailhead to the summit. Some slopes are developing faint, shallow drainage grooves on the surface. Robust cornices at the ridgelines.
Snowpack is isothermal, with knee-high boot pen. Layering was still perceptible on a N slope ca. 7400ft, but no significant differences in hardness to note in the upper meter of snow. No discernible percolation columns.
Plenty of avalanches to be seen from the last several days. Numerous D1 and some D2 across mid and upper elevations, on NE to E to SW, concentrated in the southerlies. Plenty of D1s in the upper reaches of Bridge Canyon (Lewis Peak/N.O. Divide). D1 and D2 on the Chilly Peak slabs. D1s on the Ben Lomond side of the Cutler Headwall. D1-D2 on the south side of Willard Peak. D1s on the southerly aspects of Black Canyon.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating