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Observation: White Pine

Observation Date
Observer Name
Salt Lake » Little Cottonwood Canyon » White Pine
Location Name or Route
White pine
Light Snowfall
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
Light wind and snowfall below about 9500 feet, with gusty winds above that, especially along the ridge lines. Significant rise in temperatures between 11 and noon with some green housing taking place as the sun tried to peek through.
Snow Characteristics
New Snow Depth
New Snow Density
Snow Surface Conditions
Wind Crust
Snow Characteristics Comments
Lots of different snow surfaces out there today. About 2 inches of dense snow at the white pine trailhead increasing to probably about 6-8 inches of lower density snow above 9000 feet. West aspects felt like dust on crust but north and northeast above 8500 feet or so felt bottomless without a significant crust below the new snow.
Red Flags
Red Flags
Recent Avalanches
Wind Loading
Rapid Warming
Avalanche Problem #1
Wind Drifted Snow
Problem #1 Comments
Wind slabs were very sensitive along and right below ridge lines. A ski cut in the steep trees to the west of Scottie's bowl resulted in a 6 inch windslab running about 200 vertical feet down the run, and many similar avalanches were noted in the steep north facing terrain right below the ridge. Some of these appeared to be natural while others were human triggered, likely on ski cuts
Avalanche Problem #2
New Snow
Decreasing Danger
Problem #2 Comments
Long running sluffs were the norm in terrain that hadn't slabbed up. Triggered one dropping into the chute off the rainbow peak ridge to red right returning that could have packed a punch if caught in it. All the new snow from last night's storm was involved and it piled up surprisingly deep although not enough to bury a human.
Travels today were from the white pine trailhead, up the pink pine ridge to red right returning, and then up west Scottie's to Scottie's bowl. Elevations of 7600 to 10100 feet, and primarily north, northeast, and west aspects. Instabilities were present on all aspects traveled , with mid slope wind pockets skinning up a west facing slope to the north of west Scottie's notable. Lots of cracking there and some small wind slabs about 10 feet wide cracked out and propagated but didn't travel far. No avalanches observed stepped down below the new snow from overnight/this morning so seemed generally manageable, at least in the terrain I traveled that didn't experience major wind loading.
On the drive down the canyon noted wet slides in the y, y-not, and triangle couloirs.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating