From the other obs from today (Sunday) - a day after the Windpacolypse - it seemed that at least parts of Mill Creek were a bit more sheltered from the ferocious winds than the hammered mid/upper Cottonwoods, and there were plenty of slope-testers out there indeed testing the new snow. Digging a couple of pretty shallow new-snow hand pits it seemed that there was an inter-storm layer about maybe 8" down that sheared decently well, but it took a bit of a pull, and the rest of the layers of the dynamic storm system - including the first dust layer of spring - seemed surprisingly well-bonded, at least out of the wind. On one moderately exposed, windswept ridge (that still had plenty of trees) we were able to trigger remotely and with a ski cut small windslabs that slid down onto lower-angle terrain where it stopped. Not a big deal, but enough so that we continued to avoid wind-loaded areas and mostly hunkered down in the trees and entered bigger terrain by sneaking in vs center-punching from the top. But it's encouraging that it seems like we are now dealing more with the here and now of new snow and wind-loading, which is a bit more visceral than the pernicious and confusing buried weak layers of the last few weeks.