Observation: Cutler Ridge

Observation Date
Observer Name
Derek DeBruin & DN
Ogden » Ben Lomond » Cutler Ridge
Location Name or Route
Ben Lomond, Cutler Ridge
Weather Comments
Partly cloudy skies, largely around the summits, cloud layer ca. 8500-9500ft. No precip, warm temps (close to 40F at the trailhead around 2pm). Winds were calm up to 8300ft or so, then northerly from there to the summit, increasing to moderate at the highest elevations.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Characteristics Comments
Snow surface was wind-affected in any exposed terrain above 7500ft or so. Creamy/dense soft snow could be found in sheltered zones below 8600ft or so, slowly transitioning to dense, wet, and a little grabby from about 7000ft and lower. It was surprisingly easy to kick off small wet loose sluffs in high elevation terrain on solar aspects in the upper few inches of the snowpack.
Snow Profile
Dug at 8600ft NNW with HS 250cm. Found 150cm of storm slab from the early January cycle, right side up from F+ to P hard. This sat atop 1F December facets (did not dig below about 170cm from surface). Facets were 1-2mm, rounding, and a bit damp. This is still not a great structure, but at least in this one pit, things continue to slowly trend in a positive direction.
A handful of facets that were happy to stick together a bit when I made a fist.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating