Observation: Double Hill

Observation Date
Observer Name
Staples, Deutschlander, Winzeler, & Winzeler
Uintas » Double Hill
Location Name or Route
Double Hill & Moffit Pass
Weather Comments
Not a single cloud in the sky and not a single breath of wind
Snow Characteristics
Snow Characteristics Comments
Crusted snow on south facing and great recycled powder on north facing. The snow is generally very supportable, even on foot in many places.
Red Flags
Red Flags
Poor Snowpack Structure
Red Flags Comments
No red flags except for the presence of a PWL.
Avalanche Problem #1
Persistent Weak Layer
Decreasing Danger
Problem #1 Comments
The PWL of old, faceted snow from November is still there but generally dormant now.
Below are two snow profiles documenting the PWL; however, my main concern for the future is weakening of the snow surface. The surface hoar likely won't survive, but there are small facets on most northerly facing slopes. The surface snow will continue to weaken during warm sunny days and clear cold nights.
We didn't see any signs of instability - no avalanches, no collapses, no cracking, no recent loading, no wind loading, and stability test scores that have been going up.
First profile on the backside (west side) of double hill
Second profile near Moffit Pass
Beautiful day out there. Worth getting into the hills.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating