Observation Date
Observer Name
Uintas » Carrot Hollow
Location Name or Route
Just west of Double Hill
I didn't travel as far as I wanted today and only saw a small slice of the Uintas. What stood out to me was how the slightest change in aspect made all the difference in the snow.
Moslty on SW facing slopes which barely have any old snow near the ground, thus are generally much more stable. If I imagined being in this area in November and imagined where the old snow was, it was just in little pockets. Where I got collapsing was in little pockets shaded from sunshine. Overall the terrain where I was skinning was SW facing, but the photos below are from a spot that tilted a little more W facing with a little shade from the sun. In that spot I found just a little more old snow that would fracture in my extended column tests (ECTP22).
I wasn't overly concerned with the snowpack or stability in this area because the old snow from November was so discontinuous. However, this time of year we can live and die by aspect. The smallest shift to more west facing (and certainly to NW facing) would have changed everything because the weak, old, November snow would have been a thicker, more continuous layer that could fracture and produce an avalanche.

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