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Observation: Reed and Benson Ridge

Observation Date
Observer Name
Brady e
Salt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Cardiff Fork » Reed and Benson Ridge
Location Name or Route
Reed and Benson Ridge
Red Flags
Red Flags
Avalanche Problem #1
New Snow
Decreasing Danger
Problem #1 Comments
With all of the new snowfall, this was the main concern and all instabilities we noted were on the new/old snow interface. I expect this to decrease with the coming days
Avalanche Problem #2
Persistent Weak Layer
Decreasing Danger
Problem #2 Comments
The PWL is present on the west faces, however noted early observations in november, it is healing and is below multiple crusts that help support the snowpack. Chances are still there for a big step down, but I would considerate it rare with were the PWL is at now
Snow Profile
We decided to head into cardiff with multiple ideas depending on snow stability on the W face. As we approached our snowpit location, we noted multiple small collapses isolated to the skier. Nothing cracked, or showed any larger symtpons. The W ridges only had a few poinbt releases.
Our test showed an ECT 11 on the snow at the new/old snow interface, not really a surprise with the heat the days before the storm. As we continued on our day we noted more collapses, again isolated. The ridges were showing more sensitvity on the NW side, and the SW had roller balls and a few small wet slides (1-3' across, 6", 10' down). Ski cuts provided no triggers. The only evidence shown of a larger problem was a slide that ran mid storm cycle, on the NNW side of the ride, cracking all the way down the ridge, but only sliding a few feet, seemed to be too shallow for anything else to happen. No signs of wind activity anywhere along these slopes. The day seemed to be tricky to analyze here, and had lots of discussions about what we were seeing.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating