Observation: Ogden Mountains

Observation Date
Observer Name
Derek DeBruin
Ogden » Ogden Mountains
Location Name or Route
Ogden Mountains
This is becoming my annual observation about what snow is on the ground before the first significant storm, so here we go again.
The red lines in the images are approximate contour lines for 8500ft and 7000ft, which differentiate Ogden's upper, mid, and low elevation bands. The outside edge of each image is the low elevation band, the inner part of each image is the upper elevations, with mid between the red lines. Indicated in blue are some well known landmarks, zones, etc. to help identify the features in the satellite imagery. The entire Ogden skyline is posted here from north to south: Ben Lomond, Chilly Peak, Lewis Peak, and Mount Ogden (images include names of the massif in the lower left corner).
The only places where there is really any snow are the mid and upper elevations from NW-N-E, with the exception of the highest elevation westerly ridgelines and similar high elevation westerly terrain on Mount Ogden, such as upper Burch Creek, backside of Strawberry, etc. Based on recent obs, telemetry, and satellite snow depths, snow on the ground is in the 6-12" range, increasing in depth with increasing elevation.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating