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Observation: Silver Creek

Observation Date
Observer Name
Provo » American Fork » Silver Creek
Location Name or Route
Silver Lake
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
Clear skies, calm winds with a temperature inversion. At 8,000' it was 42° F and at 6,000 along American Fork Creek it was 29° F.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Characteristics Comments
Snow on the ground starting around 8,000' and even then it was spotty and mixed with mud. Snow on the higher peaks seems similar to coverage in upper and mid Little Cottonwood Canyon on all aspects above 9500'. Trent and Jonathan's observation from Upper Little Cottonwood here and an observation from mid Little Cottonwood would be comparable to what you might find snowpack wise in the Provo Mountains at similar elevations.
I find it helpful to get out and about to see what's going on as well as checking the observations page to try and find patterns in the snowpack. What seems to be sticking out is the weak faceted snow on the ground interspersed with breakable crusts. Taking photos to remember where old snow exists before the next set of storms comes through can be helpful with mapping these weak layers.
North facing Timpanogos
South facing above Silver Flat Lake Reservoir
North facing Timp on the lookers left and east facing Box Elder on the lookers right.
East facing Box Elder
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating