31st Annual Backcountry Benefit - September 12th - Tickets Available Here!

Observation: Salt Lake

Observation Date
Observer Name
Michael B
Salt Lake
Location Name or Route
Sunset Peak
Red Flags
Red Flags
Recent Avalanches
Rapid Warming
I hiked from Brighton to just below Sunset Peak before time constraints and thunderstorms turned me back. The snow conditions ranged from solid in the pines to mushy on the sunny exposed slopes. I hiked with spikes and only used my snowshoes above Catherine to Catherine's Pass.
The usual large cornices are monstrous due to this years record snowpack. I stayed well back from them and didn't observe any cornice falls above Catherine's toward Sunset Peak or Tuscarora.
Weather conditions were cloudy with a few rumbles of Thunder. Winds were erratic and occasionally gusted into the 20's. Temps were in the 40's above 10k.
I also observed a couple of ski tracks coming off of Catherine's Pass and also Sunset Peak. Old avy debris were visible coming off of Sunset and long running from off Tuscarora to very near the summer hiking trail. Wow!
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating