I hiked up to Squaw Peak Overlook on Sunday partly to try to get a look at last weeks
debris piles at the base of Cascade Mountain. I climbed to the 7000' summit just south of the
Overlook. There was at least ten debris piles. The slide that happened late last Sunday is by
far the largest. The South debris pile is large enough to have crossed the road. I was still too low
to spot the road in that area. One of the Northern ones is fairly large. The debris on the
North one while smaller caught my attention because of a round circle on sloping grass nearby.
With the binocs I could just make out that the up slope appeared to have dropped, while the
lower edge of the circle rose. I assume it was a mud sluff, but round? Or a UFO landing site,
(shrug?) and me without my Triquarter..
Even though most of this area is no-mans-land, it was all impressive. I haven't found a
good view for all of the debris. May try Buffalo peak if I can get past the mess below
the Crows Foot.
The trail was mostly dry from Indian Road Trailhead. Coming up the ridge was mostly
firm in the morning, some punchy dropping out. Fading fast but I still crossed some areas with
a couple of feet of pack. below 7000'.
I did see some Glacier Lillies that had sprouted.
Middle of April & last Friday I crossed areas with 12' of snow just above 7000'. Get it while you can,
avoid it when ya must. In the meantime, Pray For Slow...