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Uintas » Bear River Ranger District » Bear River West Fork » Moffit Basin
Location Name or Route
Moffit Basin
I wanted to see how far into the snowpack liquid water had percolated. I also wanted to look for recent avalanche activity and was surprised by a lack of more activity. Overall the Uintas have maybe just stayed a bit cooler than other areas even though there haven't been below freezing air temperature for 48 hours.
- Low elevation south facing (7800) wet to the ground (only about 3 feet of snow)
- Near treeline, mid elevation, southwest facing (9500), the snow was wet about 2 feet down
- Just at treeline, upper elevation, north facing (10,000'), the snow was only wet in the top few inches

In terms of avalanche activity, I couldn't find much. I did find the cornice triggered slide reported on Tuesday (first photo below) and I don't think that was a wet avalanche.
Spotted one wet slab on a SSE facing slope at 9200 ft (second photo)
And several wet loose avalanches (third photo of one of them).

Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating