Join us at our 2nd Annual Blizzard Ball

Observation: Memorials

Observation Date
Observer Name
Knuckle Dragger
Salt Lake » Mt Olympus » Memorials
Location Name or Route
Memorial Chutes
Red Flags
Red Flags
Recent Avalanches
Heavy Snowfall
Avalanche Problem #1
New Snow
Increasing Danger
Problem #1 Comments
Lots natural avalanche activity on way up to poke around the memorial chutes and see how the snow was bonding. Most of the memorials had had soft slabs release the whole width of the chutes, crowns approximately 4-6" deep by the looks of it. Snow and wind ramped up quickly on my way out. A small soft slab had released over the hiking trail/skin track in the time I had gone up and came down. Imagine that had released when weather ramped up.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating