Join us at our 2nd Annual Blizzard Ball

Observation: Silver/Days

Observation Date
Observer Name
Salt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Silver/Days
Location Name or Route
Light Snowfall
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
We were able to sneak in between the two weather systems today. Skies were primarily broken, with decent visibility and occasional sun. Towards the end of the tour, the skies became broken and as we were wrapping up the tour it began lightly snowing. Winds were calm, even along ridgelines during the tour, but began blowing as the snow moved in. Temperatures were warm.
Snow Characteristics
New Snow Depth
New Snow Density
Snow Surface Conditions
Snow Characteristics Comments
We found 4-6" of new snow sitting atop of a variety of crusts. Throughout the day, the snow became denser and slightly damp in places. In the trees, the snow surface stayed drier.
Red Flags
Red Flags
Recent Avalanches
The riding conditions improved greatly since yesterday. While the initial pulse delivered less snow than expected, it was a nice refresh for the variety of firm surfaces in the backcountry. Along ridgelines, we did not notice very much, of any obvious transport occurring between the hours of 10A - 2:30 PM. Right around 3:00 PM the next pulse of weather moved in, the snowfall began, and obvious drifting was occurring even at mid and lower elevations. We did not notice any natural activity in the zones we traveled, in this initial storm, it just didn't seem like we had the load, or the PI rates to lead to any natural activity. That being said, in small steep terrain features, we were able to get small, long-running loose dry avalanches of new snow failing atop of a firm solar crust. These avalanches only failed within the new snow, a few inches deep, but did easily entrain snow. These avalanches speak to the sensitivity and variety of good bed surfaces that currently exist in the backcountry. Any weak grains that did exist on firm crusts may now be capped by a few inches of new snow. In the upcoming days, we will have more precipitation and more wind, and I would expect to see more widespread avalanches failing on this layer.
Broken skies along the Silver/Days Ridgeline
Easily triggered loose dry avalanche entraining a decent amount of snow as it moved down slope.
Debris entrained in loose dry avalanche
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating