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Observation: Gods Lawnmower

Observation Date
Observer Name
Salt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Kessler Peak » Gods Lawnmower
Location Name or Route
Patterson Ridge/God's Lawnmower
Red Flags
Red Flags
Wind Loading
Avalanche Problem #1
New Snow
Problem #1 Comments
Noticed some new snow had run at the upper parts of God's lawnmower, likely during higher precipitation periods. We also observed minor sluffing as we skied down.
Avalanche Problem #2
Wind Drifted Snow
Problem #2 Comments
Walked in and out of windrifted snow on Patterson Ridge. Noticed some snow transport between the hours of 10:00 and 12:00 from the W/NW onto more easterly portions of Kessler, and then they died down somewhat. Very little windrifting on the Lawnmower itself.
Goal: Skinned up Patterson Ridge to go check out God's Lawnmower, with the hopes of skiing if it was not looking wind loaded.
A random collection of observations:
- Started out at around 08:45, it was still snowing at the trailhead and winds were gusty.
- Some interesting variations in windloading while skinning the ridge. The snow was soft below 8500 ft. coming up to standard skintrack. We noticed it firmed up once we got up to the ridgeline & felt slabby between ~8500-9000 ft. It then softened up again from 9,000-9,500 ft. where we observe less wind affect compared to the lower mid-elevation ridgeline. It then became firmer and more wind affected above 9,500 ft.
- Noticed some snow transport between the hours of 10:00 and 12:00 from the W/NW onto more easterly portions of Kessler.
- Some big cornices hanging over the E side of Kessler.
- Took my probe out at ~9500 ft on the ridgeline to check out snow depth. Whole 250cm probe went straight down, didn't bottom out. She's deep.
- Winds seemed to die down after 12:00 or so.
- As for God's lawnmower, we proceeded cautiously, but encountered very little wind affected snow other than observing a couple of pillowy looking spots the uppermost section under the cliff band (we did not ski that section).
- Looked like a couple upper sections had some dry loose snow run during earlier higher rates of precipitation.
- Some minor sluffing as we skied, all within the top couple of inches of snow.
- Still a lot of loose snow out there for the wind to move around if it cranks up again.
- (The skiing was excellent)
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating