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Observation: Aspen Grove

Observation Date
Observer Name
Erik F
Provo » Provo Canyon » North Fork Provo R. » Aspen Grove
Location Name or Route
Aspen Grove Area
Red Flags
Red Flags
Recent Avalanches
Avalanche Problem #1
New Snow
Decreasing Danger
Problem #1 Comments
Fast sluffing on steep terrain. Deep ski penetration, approx. 45-60cm. This could entrain lots of snow on steep and sustained slopes, taking one for a ride.
Snow Profile
See my avalanche reported on the SE aspect of Sloppy Sue's. Shown in Photo 1 here.
I did forget to add in the report that the avalanche ran about 900 vertical ft, and ran a distance of approx. .35 miles. This filled about 3/4 of the gully between Bob's and Sue's and ran well into the meadow before the gully, possibly triggered an avalanche in the NE trees of Bob's. There was flagging coming from those trees as well, and another party spotted part of a crown.
Weather: I began my tour at 8:00 with obscured sky, S-1 (flurries) and -3 degrees Celsius (26.5F). At my quick pit at 2600m (8530') sky was overcast, S-1, and -6 C (21.2F). At exiting, sky was half covered, no snow and temperature was right around freezing.
At the trailhead there was 30cm (1 foot) of new snow and at my pit there was 35cm new snow (14").
Trail breaking was tough today! Some minor cracking around the feet, but no propagation.
My pit on a N facing slope at 8530' was 325cm deep (almost 11 feet!). I dug down the first 150cm and performed a shovel shear test and two extended column tests. Results: STE @60cm down (two feet). ECTN8 @30cm down (1 foot), ECTN10 @30cm down (1 foot). Photo 2 shows the ECTN8 @30cm down.
Snow was right side up the first 150cm down. Did not investigate lower.
Boot penetration was 90cm, ski penetration was 45cm.
I saw two naturals in UFO #2 (middle bowl) one at approx. 2990m (9800') and another 3050m (10,000'). They looked to be approx. 200-400'' wide. They seemed to have stepped down further than the avalanche on Sue's. My guess would be maybe 2-3' deep. Maybe more. It was hard to get a visual or photos.
Plenty of sluffing on Bob's and Sue's East aspects, some running a few hundred feet down to the base of the hills.
Myself and others I spoke to today feel this is a year to stay on the toes. The SE aspect of Sue's sliding through the gully is a good reminder that this isn't necessarily a "safe zone". Especially during a year with such amazing snowfall. Stay alert out there!
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating