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Observation: Days Fork

Observation Date
Observer Name
Brunhoeber, Powell, Lee
Salt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Days Fork
Location Name or Route
Days Fork
Red Flags
Red Flags
Wind Loading
Rapid Warming
Avalanche Problem #1
Persistent Weak Layer
Decreasing Danger
Avalanche Problem #2
Wind Drifted Snow
Increasing Danger
We started our tour up Days Fork from BCC around 0830 under mostly sunny skies. Along the skin track up the lower third of the drainage we noted surface hoar (see photo) coating the snow surface with little to no wind and very mild temperatures. We ascended up Chicken Shit ridge and began to assess snow depth with probing. We found in general the snow depth to be around 220-250 cm, but found a few pockets as low as 150-180 cm. We dug a quick pit in one of these shallower pockets (160 cm) to assess the snowpack develop and the November drought layer facets. We found the snow pack to be right side up. The November drought facets showed evidence of rounding and increased bonding which was reassuring of a healing layer even in the shallower snow pack.
We also noted evidence of what appears to be the beginning of a potential glide crack on Banana Belt (see photo).
We noted some active wind transport loading E/NE at upper elevations staring around 1230 and increasing during the afternoon. When skiing down an east facing slope, we did trigger a small wind slab only a few centimeters deep around 9000 ft elevation which did not propagate or run far.
We also noted evidence of warming during late morning in E/SE with some pin rolling which transitioned in the afternoon to w/SW with loose, wet avalanche activity as well as significant tree-snow melt and wetness on the ski track out which will likely set up a significant melt/freeze crust as temperatures cool.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating