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Observation: Wellsville Mountain Wilderness

Observation Date
Observer Name
Richie Schumacher
Logan » Wellsville Mountain Wilderness
Location Name or Route
Wellsville Range
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
Weather was variable today. Periods of low visibility, periods of sun, periods of very light snow (no accumulation). Overall, seemed like a mild day tempurature wise and humid with riming noted, but with no new snow noted. Some interesting cloud and wind activity seen between Cache Valley and the Brigham/ Tremonton side.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Surface Conditions
Faceted Loose
Wind Crust
Melt-Freeze Crust
Snow Characteristics Comments
Variable snow conditions from no snow on many southerly aspects to sugary faceted snow on many northerly/protected aspects, to bulletproof/ crust-facet combos mixed in. We found some good skiing snow at high elevations on N and E aspects.
Interesting day in the Wellsville range today. Weather was variable, snow was variable, and the snow we were hoping for last night did not seem to produce anything. The best skiing is still in the faceted/ RR snow on N-NE-E and protected areas, which will be our weak layers when we do get some snow. The Wellsville range is toughing out this period of no snow, but it is for sure taking a toll with much bare ground showing. Still good fun to be had out there despite all of this.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating