Observation: Tushers

Observation Date
Observer Name
Lane Tucker
Southwest » Tushers
Location Name or Route
Three Creeks, Tushar Range
Red Flags
Red Flags
Heavy Snowfall
Avalanche Problem #1
New Snow
Decreasing Danger
Problem #1 Comments
A few feet of new snow causing came in wet so layers are begining to bond and the bottom sugar layer is compacting. A few weeks ago it was about 4" thick layer of sugar at the surface now down to 1-2" on north facing slopes. None existent on much of the south facing slopes since this new snow started on dirt.
Snow Profile
Stayed on terrain lower than 30° in sparce trees on a north west facing slope. There was consistent coverage and base depth. I heard adn felt one small collapse on our skin track in a flat area there were no fractures or propegation from the collapse and it happend 3rd or 4th lap. We have not had the snowfall the wasatch has had did we have the previous poor layering from before this storm cycle. Many of the South & East facing slopes were bare making this storm which came in right side up a great start and gave coverage. The North & West slopes that had some snow pack are bonding well with one layer of solid snow about 4" from ground and the surface hoar is condensing. Positive things for the near future.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating