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Salt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Cardiff Fork
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Cardiff Fork, Ivory Flakes
Up Cardiff Fork from BCC again, ended up on the rock slabs at the bottom of Cardiac Ridge, then onto Ivory Flakes. I did not see any natural activity in the whole drainage that includes sluffing. That being said, there was still plenty of large tree shaking collapses and shooting cracks, which is a warning to slow your roll, watch your slope angles and be aware of over head hazards. We got one really big collapse where you could see the whole slope ungulate in a wave like manner and feel the ground drop out from under you a few inches. Still not feeling the need to test big steep slopes, a few people were nibbling at the bottom of the ridge, but I personally wasn't into the overhead hazard. Still waiting for a big wet windy storm to fill things in, getting nickeled and dimed with small light density storms isn't helping the bases of my skis at all.
photos: collapses and shooting cracks, if you look closely at the photo of the skier you can see the cracks shooting out from his weight on a really low angle slope. Also wind moving snow on the high ridge line and LSB

With no natural activity noted I gotta stick with considerable today, and the same tomorrow
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