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Observation: Primrose Cirque

Observation Date
Observer Name
Derek DeBruin
Provo » Provo Canyon » Timpanogos » Primrose Cirque
Location Name or Route
Mt Timpanogos, Primrose Cirque
Weather Comments
Clear skies, light wind, moderate temps--mid 20s at trailhead around 0700am.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Characteristics Comments
Mixed bag of surface conditions and probably not much for surprises in this observation. Wind affected snow, wind slab, melt crusts, huge surface hoar, and facets everywhere in between. Definitely not good skiing, and the crusts largely don't support foot travel, so there's post-holing to be had. Snowshoes for the win (except for the parts of the trail that were bare dirt).
Also, if any climbers are reading this, the ice/mixed lines on Roberts Horn are...not in.
Sizeable surface hoar.
A tiny pocket of wind slab that broke out underfoot, but nothing of consequence.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating