Observation: Bowman Fork

Observation Date
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Salt Lake » Mill Creek Canyon » Bowman Fork
Location Name or Route
Bowman Fork, Millcreek
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
Cold and clear in the morning, formation of low lying clouds drifting in from the E in the afternoon.
Snow Characteristics
New Snow Depth
New Snow Density
Snow Surface Conditions
Wind Crust
Snow Characteristics Comments
Generally about a foot of new snow, a little less with the more altitude gained. Wind crust on the exposed ridge line.
Headed up Bowman Fork in Millcreek to try to stay in the snow zone from our weird storm yesterday. Noted about a foot of new light density snow mid elevation in Bowman with snow amounts dropping with elevation gain. The NW facing seemed to have the most new snow but the due N skied the deepest due to the soft underlying surface, NW had a bit of a firm base underneath. Luckily in wind sheltered areas there was soft deep powder, some of the E facing slopes had some wind skin and wind slabs but only on the surface, it would crack but not run. Skiing out the steep Bowman Springs avalanche path produce some long running sluffs but the snow was so light it wasn't a factor. Wind is the biggest enemy now with lots of light density for transport.
photos: long running sluffs and the cornice on Toots which due to cold temperatures is locked up tight.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating