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Observation: Cutler Ridge

Observation Date
Observer Name
Derek DeBruin
Ogden » Ben Lomond » Cutler Ridge
Location Name or Route
Ben Lomond, Cutler Ridge
Weather Comments
Spring-like conditions turned to winter today. Much of the valley was socked in with fog which broke just as we came to the trailhead (see photo of fog to the south). Temps were above freezing at the trailhead at noon, with damp snow surface. Clouds and wind increased throughout our tour (concluded at 4pm), with sustained moderate winds in the mid elevations.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Surface Conditions
Dense Loose
Wind Crust
Melt-Freeze Crust
Snow Characteristics Comments
Mixed bag of surface conditions. Down low there was widespread surface hoar to 5mm in size, give or take. This largely disappeared by about 7500ft, transitioning to damp or wind affected snow. In more sheltered areas above about 8000ft, we found pleasant dense loose snow. Southerly aspects also occasiaonlly featured crust.
Dug a quick pit around 8400ft on northwest aspect above low angle love zone near the hogs back ridge. We found a pretty contiguous layer of right side up snow from the Thanksgiving storm event ranging from F snow on the surface progressing to 1F snow near the ground. The last few centimeters to the ground featured damp 1mm facets with evidence of rounding. ECT in this pit was unreactive. Snow depth at this pit was 65cm. Other hand pits on northerlies from 7900ft and up also featured damp facets on the ground. Snow depths ranged from about 60cm to 120cm in wind loaded areas.
Photo of fog in the valley to the south with increasing clouds aloft.
Photo of surface hoar at lower elevations.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating