Observation Date
Observer Name
Location Name or Route
Gold Basin
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
Overcast and calm for the most part with a few short sunny moments during the day. Mild temps and no wind made for a great day in Gold Basin.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Surface Conditions
Dense Loose
Melt-Freeze Crust
Snow Characteristics Comments
Great powder skiing exists on the north half of the compass. Yesterdays sun in the mountains created a melt feeze crust on southerly facing slopes as well as a number of pinwheels that rolled down steeper slopes that were hit by the sun. We also notice an abundance of surface hoar on our way into Gold Basin, including some shorter crystals that had formed on top of the melt freeze crust that had formed overnight.
Red Flags
Red Flags
Poor Snowpack Structure
Red Flags Comments
We dug a quick pit while we were out and found the same small facets at the bottom of the snow pack that Dave found yesterday. We should all keep an eye these as we get more snow and our base becomes more complex. Check out Dave's observation from yesterday for some more detail on this.
Avalanche Problem #1
Persistent Weak Layer
Problem #1 Comments
The first significant snow we received during the third week of November had some time to facet before we got our season starting storms at the end of the month. We did not observe any other red flags on our tour, but every one heading out into the backcountry should keep these ugly little crystals in mind when making decisions in avalanche terrain.
We found some great skiing today, but everyone should remember that we have just enough snow to ski on and their are still plenty of ground hazards to watch out for until we get some more snow. Ski with caution, especially when in the trees and maybe wait a bit before you go diving into the northwoods.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating