Observation: Broads Fork

Observation Date
Observer Name
Travis Haussener
Salt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Broads Fork
Location Name or Route
Broads Fork (SLC) Twin Peaks: West Face
Background: The Broads Fork Twins is probably my favorite mountain in the Wasatch. That being said I usually ski it from the top at least 10 times a season, typically a few lucky ones in the winter and then the rest of my ascents are on spring corn/summer snow if the snowpack holds (a very easy an reasonable 5,000' tour for my young legs). I typically approach from Broads and if not concerned head straight across diving board, then blue ice, to the upper (more safer) bowl. Descending again is in similar style, and if I'm concerned I usually more or less follow the summer trail to avoid the majority of the glide avalanche paths as the day warms up. Unfortunately this way still is not free from danger, as I once thought. As I headed up there on Saturday, my partner and I stumbled across the biggest avalanche (already happened) we had ever seen. The debris pile in places was more than 30 feet tall, and it took out trees that had stood for at least 10 years. Again given my experience with this tour, I;m cognizant of the inherent dangers of the route, the standard glide slides on bonkers, blue ice, diving board paled in comparison to this. As the season winds down for most, for some people this is the best time of year to really get after the steep and fun routes. This again goes to show that you can't let your guard down and have to keep your skills sharp no matter what time of year. Photos #1 Avalanche crossing standard hiking trail #2 Dr. Nichols for Scale #3 Still had fun and it skied great
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