Join us at our 2nd Annual Blizzard Ball

Observation: Moab

Observation Date
Observer Name
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Location Name or Route
Talking Mountain Cirque
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
This ob is for Monday and Tuesday. Monday had partly cloudy skies, strong winds from the SW and fairly warm temps. Tuesday on the other hand had cold temps, light winds and clear skies
Snow Characteristics
Snow Surface Conditions
Faceted Loose
Wind Crust
Melt-Freeze Crust
Snow Characteristics Comments

S facing high elevation terrain off Pre-Laurel peak softened around 12:30 1:00pm both days, yesterday had a shallow refreeze but the strong winds kept things cool, today there was a solid refreeze after yesterday’s cold front but the lack of a cooling wind allow the surface to soften on only S facing and low sunny elevations. High elevation N, NE had a mixed bag of wind crusts and loose faceted surface snow, breakable crust could be identified by its smooth appearance. Snow quality on the N facing declined from yesterday due to consistent strong winds. Shady terrain with a melt-freeze crust remains bulletproof all day.


No wet, dry or wind-slab activity was noted either day and many steeper lines were skied. The snow is at that point where crampons, whippets and ice axes come in handy in steep terrain.

Photos: lots of wind but minimal transport yesterday, corn on S, mixed bag on NE

Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating