(Thanks to the professional snow safety crew at Park City Mountain Resort for helping arrange my travel today!)
Cruised along Park City ridgeline from Squaretop to Murdock Peak. Wanted to look at the remotely triggered slide reported from Wednesday. Classic persistent-slab weaknesses with remotely-triggered slides. Over the past three days I am definitely noticing the snowpack settling and gaining strength, but the persistent weaknesses remain, and will remain a problem for a while.
Biggest concern is on mid and upper elevation north through east aspects that hold the weakest snow.
Going forward, will become more difficult to trigger slides, but getting caught in any slide has serious consequences as these avalanches will be large with lots of rocks and trees to contend with.
Noticed a similar slide on Pointy Peak/Sound of Music. This was also on a northeast aspect at about 9200' Ran on facets down near the ground.