HS = 48", HST = 14" at this location sitting on a supportable, knife hard crust. Glove is sitting on a layer of graupel overlying the crust. This column sheared with a relatively clean Q 1/2. upon close inspection (photos below) the grapuel is recrystallized and the upper plane of the shear has some faceted snow.
Photos below:
1. Upper surface of shear with facets.
2. Basal graupel.
3. Graupel and facets from upper surface.
Results of ECTN (new snow only), part of the column collapsed without propagation.
Photo below, no outing in the Pahvants is complete without some bushwacking,
Overall, I feel the hazard is a bit tricky. I saw no major signs of instability but do not completely trust the HST/crust interface. I did not ski my planned final run which contains sustained slopes of 40 degrees and may have been subject to some wind loading.
Generally a moderate hazard limited to storm snow.