Observation Date
Observer Name
Mark Staples, Trent Meisenheimer
Skyline » Ephraim Canyon
Location Name or Route
Ephraim Canyon and North Fork of Manti Canyon
There are several layers of snow in the upper 2 feet of the snowpack with ice crusts, graupel (like hail), and a few very small facets. They can be seen in the photo. The weakest of these layers is the graupel pellets buried about 14 inches deep. However, none of these layers would propagate a crack which was notable because they have 1.4 inches of water on them which is a decent load.
Photo below shows these layers. The blue crystal card shows the location of the graupel. Below it is a fragile crust with some very small facets under. Neither the facets or the grauple cause any concern. Could they produce an avalanche? Possibly, but it is unlikely.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating