Join us at our 2nd Annual Blizzard Ball

Observation: GE Hill/Skyline Summit

Observation Date
Observer Name
Steve Cote
Skyline » Fairview Canyon » Blind Fork » GE Hill
Location Name or Route
G E Hill
Light Snowfall
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
Light wind at first out of the Northwest, At about 3:30 wind picked up to moderate. Up track had filled in. Snow fall increased to moderate.
Snow Characteristics
New Snow Depth
New Snow Density
Snow Surface Conditions
Snow Characteristics Comments

Snow was lightest I have seen in a number of years. The wind had started to drift and form soft cornices, They would break under the ski only. Up on the ridges could only find the thinnest of wind skin on the surface. The new snow has bonded to the older layer, the first few inches of new snow was denser than the rest of the new snow.

Red Flags
Red Flags
Heavy Snowfall
Red Flags Comments
The 18 inches on top of the ridge will be easly transported if we get a wind event, and wind loading will be the next hazard. In most places it appears that the hazard will be in the new snow as the older snow has helped to remove most of the risk from the facets from early in the year. I check a shallow area on the ridge top and even there the snow was getting stronger. Still be wary of rocky areas and the brush fields at higher elevations. We now have a thick layer of new snow at lower elevations with the same concern.
Avalanche Problem #1
New Snow
Increasing Danger
Problem #1 Comments

Could get loose snow or soft slab avalanches on the steep Northeast through North west slopes.

Thirty five CM at Millers flat with a total of 110 CM

Snow knee deep on the up track, of light blower pow. Could get turns on slopes of 34 degrees, no collapsing or cracking

Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating