storm totals since early Friday were 15 cm settled at Miller Flat snowstake, total still a skimpy 65 cm. Riming is the headline with 1/4" crust already formed, and fog rime still underway above about 8000'. Noticed cloud deck was widespread including Nebo, Mt Loafer, etc, extreme southern Wasatch.
New snow seemed fairly bonded to old snow with right side up conditions in the upper layers, but in mid elevation sheltered N facing shadows, much weaker snow still exists. If you have the bravado to point them down hill and keep speed up, you would float on the old snow layer, but on steeper breakovers or if you initiated too hard in turn, punching down would occur.
Cornices and wind loaded slopes were cracking but not really taking off, settlement has continued in warmer temps. Interestingly, the only collapsing we experienced was in sheltered low angle mid elevation, and we did experience one significant whomph but did not crack surface snow around us.
Coverage is slowly increasing allowing access to more terrain, but downfall, rocks and other hazards are still widespread, Fetches are blown to the rock with sagebrush still exposed.