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Observation: Mill Creek Canyon

Observation Date
Observer Name
Gator and Groovy
Salt Lake » Mill Creek Canyon
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Avalanche Problem #1
New Snow
Decreasing Danger
Problem #1 Comments
Great skiing in a mixed bag of spring weather.
Observed long running shallow naturals that moved far and wide on a ball bearing layer of graupel. Steep NE facing >9000ft
Breaking trail on a NW facing slope same elevation we experienced graupel pouring out of the snow pack with each step. The worst being below a large cliff where the graupel had pooled and wind drifted slow had created a more cohesive slab over the graupel. All manageable for our line of travel but we triggered shallow slabs ranging from 4-8" and cracking 25-50ft away from us with every few steps.
Overall the new storm snow felt right side up and stable but poor terrain choices or areas with a deeper wind slab over graupel could result in an unpleasant surprise.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating