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Observation: Gold Hill

Observation Date
Observer Name
Ted Scroggin
Uintas » Gold Hill
Location Name or Route
Gold Hill
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
Spring like day with mild temperatures, the winds started out in the light category and increased a bit throughout the afternoon from the southwest. High clouds moved in, but a mostly sunny day.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Surface Conditions
Dense Loose
Wind Crust
Melt-Freeze Crust
Snow Characteristics Comments
All the usual spring like snow conditions starting with firm hard frozen tracks this morning, a tricky melt freeze crust even on the sled, while there is still nice dense soft snow, but it is getting a little harder to find.
Red Flags
Red Flags
Wind Loading
Red Flags Comments
Only some small shallow wind slabs just off the ridge lines, these were not very connected and only found them in isolated places on the north side of the compass. Tomorrow's increase in winds might create more widespread wind issues.
Avalanche Problem #1
Persistent Weak Layer
Problem #1 Comments
I did not see any recent avalanches in the Gold Hill area from the weekend. There was some loose dry sluffs in the steeper areas, but none of these broke into weak shallow snow. I did get an ECTP27 that looked liked the column failed on some near surface faceted snow during a break in the storms.
Avalanche Problem #2
Wind Drifted Snow
Increasing Danger
Problem #2 Comments
The southwest winds today were up and down with light to moderate speeds around mid-morning, seemed like a brief lull early afternoon, then picking back up. I was finding very minor shallow wind slabs just off some ridgelines, but not everywhere.
On this north/northwest facing slope at 10,400' with a slope angle of 30 degrees, I did get an ECTP27 that appeared to fail on some preserved near surface faceted snow a couple storms back when there was a break in the weather.
A few isolated shallow wind slabs today that were not very connected and did not seem too widespread.
Darn, looks like the spring melt is underway with pretty thin snow cover around the trailhead.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating