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Observation: Aspen Grove

Observation Date
Observer Name
Jon Campbell
Provo » Provo Canyon » North Fork Provo R. » Aspen Grove
Location Name or Route
Aspen Grove
Red Flags
Red Flags
Avalanche Problem #1
Persistent Weak Layer
Problem #1 Comments
Dug a simple pit and could clearly see the PWL from December. It seems to be healing a little bit and appeared less sugary, though still not well bonded to the snow above. About 67 cm of snow was on top of the PWL. Most of this newer snow from the past month was pretty dense with an inch of crust on top, then the fresh snow from yesterday and today.
I will also note that on many smaller test slopes we could not get anything to crack, whumpf, or slide. HOWEVER on a SE facing slope of about 35° we were able to get a VERY loud whumpf, although no slide and no cracks formed.
Avalanche Problem #2
Wet Snow
Problem #2 Comments
Snow was rather wet today with lots of small rollers running for long distances. There was some small wet sluffing.
Snow Profile
I am a very new reporter so take all of this with a large grain of salt.
Overall conditions were as follows
No wind
1° C
Moderate to heavy wet snowfall
95CM total snow pack
Riding was great on low angle tree runs today, the snow was a bit dense and grabby, but overall enjoyable and soft.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating